We Are The 

As innovation leaders in the field of large machine tools, the companies of the HerkulesGroup stand for absolute reliability. The high level of vertical integration - all core components are manufactured within the Group - is just as much a hallmark of the Group as the global sales and service network with its own branches in all main markets.

Employees Worldwide
Years Experience


114 Years of Tradition in the Field of Machine Tool Manufacturing

For more than 100 years, Maschinenfabrik Herkules has been developing technologies that set standards worldwide. Constant innovation coupled with tradition make Herkules the technology leader in the industry.

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Corporate Culture

Weit mehr als Technik

Engagement beschränkt sich bei der HerkulesGroup nicht auf Technik und Maschinen. Gesellschaftlicher Einsatz gehört für das Unternehmen seit jeher zum Selbstverständnis. 

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