Our Professionals Behind the Scenes
Attention IT professionals! You are not deterred by constantly growing requirements and you meet them with well thought-out and stable solutions. Are you able to take on different requirements, analyze them and find the best way to achieve the goal as part of a team? Then this is the right place for you. Challenging tasks, a great team, excellent equipment - we offer everything that makes the IT heart beat faster.
“The tasks in IT are incredibly varied. You never know exactly what to expect the next day. You're constantly on the move around the company and meet different colleagues with different IT challenges every day. I'm currently studying for a degree in business informatics alongside my work in order to deepen my knowledge of application support.”
Tim Nickel completed his training at HerkulesGroup Services and has been working as an IT specialist ever since.

Julian Büdenbender
Human Resources
57074 Siegen
- 0271 6906-570
- 0160 970 20 212
- bewerbung@ herkulesgroup.com

Maike Meister
Human Resources
57074 Siegen
- 0271 6906-585
- 0160 970 20 212
- bewerbung@ herkulesgroup.com